Friday, March 30, 2012

Importance of High Traffic Sites

    Knowing that we discussed on page factors in lesson. It is time to focus on the factors the Home. Page factors are as important off the pages are actually a little "more sense. Off the page factor is reduced to the amount of incoming links you have. In inbound links, number of High Traffic websites that have links pointing to your side. Factors outside the page is like a popularity contest. Tastes of the most important entry come to your website, the website more popular it is. registration form link is more effective than reciprocal links. Reciprocal links worked well in the past. But the search engine like Google more intelligent tend to accumulate these links, or tend to not be as serious as that one way links.
    What do search engines look for in a in link ranking factors?
    link age
    page rank of site of link page
    page rank of link page
    relevance of link page to your site and anchor text
    relevance of site of link page
    link growth how many links your site acquires in a period of time.
    the anchor text of the link.
    Anchor text is the text that appears in website links. In other words, instead of simply displaying the URL of a given website, you might provide some descriptive text - this is known as anchor text. The anchor text of the links are very important. you generally want the majority of your anchor text to be your targeted keyword around 65%. And the rest should consist of long tail versions of your targeted keyword for and also use your url in some of the text. You need to mix the anchor text up a little bit To make it appear natural to the search engines.
    Link types
    submit web site to directories
    submit to search engines
    write articles that are relevant to your web site
    buy links not (recommended) although this can be effective search engines are starting to catch on to this and may cancel the links out.
    comment to relevant blogs
    find authority site and email them to see if they are interested in working with you as a link partner.

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